Living The Sacred Us

A new teaching series launched on Sunday, April 14, called Living the Sacred Us. The New Testament has much to say about living out our faith in community…a community gathered around the Lord’s presence, and choosing to live transformed.
First a review: what do we mean by the phrase, The Sacred Us? Eighteen months ago, we introduced this phrase to identify the Wellspring family as much more than people who gathered at a particular building. The Sacred Us is an understanding that we are a Body of Christ, the people of God gathered and living in the community of faith that is Wellspring Church. We also recognize that when we embrace this Identity as The Sacred Us, it includes our future in the Lord’s kingdom, a future we own together.
Through this new series, Living The Sacred Us, we’ll explore some of the foundational principles that the Lord has given us through the scriptures: living with the presence of the Holy Spirit, gathering around community first, one-anothering, sharing our kingdom future, and more.
We believe the Lord will use this exploration into his Word to align us closer to him and mold us more richly into the likeness of The Sacred Us.
We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!