We Are Wellspring
We desire to be a community that lives by faith, is known by love, and is a voice of hope. These characteristics prevail in and through the heart of the good news, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Following Jesus is a lifelong, day-by-day endeavor of faith and obedience, challenge and opportunity, surprise and joy, which is why we gather as a church and do everything that we do together.

Our History
Swedish immigrants to New Britain gathered in 1883 to form Elim Swedish Baptist Church. In the last 140+ past years, many things have changed. For one, our services are in English (a change made in the 1930s). Our name, style, culture, and size are different, but the core Gospel message of Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit continues to be our source of life.
“Elim” is the name of the oasis the Lord led the Israelites to when they left Egypt and entered the desert (Exodus 15:27). The water at Elim sustained their lives. We desire for the Lord to continue to be our Wellspring of life. We want to encounter the depths of God’s presence (like an oasis in the desert) and release the flow of God’s kingdom (John 7:38).
“Elim” is the name of the oasis the Lord led the Israelites to when they left Egypt and entered the desert (Exodus 15:27). The water at Elim sustained their lives. We desire for the Lord to continue to be our Wellspring of life. We want to encounter the depths of God’s presence (like an oasis in the desert) and release the flow of God’s kingdom (John 7:38).

Beliefs and Affiliations
- We believe in the love and goodness of God the Creator.
- We believe every person is made in God’s image and has great worth. We are designed for a personal relationship with God.
- We believe Jesus Christ is the expression of God’s love to this world. He came to show us who God is and bring forgiveness of sin. This is accomplished through his death on the cross and resurrection from the dead, which brings newness of life.
- We believe forgiveness and new life are offered to us by God’s grace and received through faith.
- We believe the Holy Spirit is given to every believer as the expression of God’s presence and power for new life.
- We believe the life of following Jesus is best-lived in a community of believers. We walk in relationship together, providing encouragement and support for our shared mission.
- We believe the Bible is our authoritative word and direction for our lives as followers of Jesus.
- We believe the message of Jesus brings hope to individuals and to our world. This message of hope is embodied in what Jesus calls, “The Kingdom of God” or God’s saving work and gracious rule brought into our world where men and women welcome him.
Wellspring is affiliated with Converge Worldwide, a larger movement of like-minded churches and ministries. We are also in close relationship with many churches and ministries in Connecticut and throughout the Northeast.